Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Point Perspective Hallways

I had fun on this project.  It was really cool to learn how to draw hallways.  I think I did very well on this project although I would say that the actual hallway turned out better than the made up colored hallway though.  Things that worked on this project are that I was able to draw the far away things as far away.  If I were to do this project over again I would put more time into the "make your own" hallway and be sure to draw the letters according to the slant of the hallway.  The most difficult part of this piece was drawing the things at the end of the hallway because I had to make them very thin.  From this piece I learned how to draw things far away in a hallway.  I also learned how to draw things in one point perspective, besides letters.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Point Perspective Name

I thought this piece was challenging but rewarding.  I think it turned out well in the end and now I understand how to use two point perspective which could be useful in the future.  I think I did well on this piece because it actually looks like its coming at you and that was the overall goal.  I think mostly everything worked well on this project except for the the second "s" at the end, it doesn't look as good as it could have.  If I were to do the project over again I would fix it and maybe move the whole center to the left a little to make room for more of my last name.  The most difficult part of this project was making all the curves look good and drawing in such a small space at the end.  I learned how to do two point perspective from this piece and that is a very useful skill to have.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Point Perspective Name

I thought this piece was a good time and I had fun.  I feel very successful on this piece because I accomplished what I wanted to achieve.  The flat lines on this project worked much better than the curvy lines.  If I was to do this project over again I would have drawn my lines lighter so there wouldn't be so many eraser lines.  The most difficult part about this project was the curvy parts in the "s" and "r". In this piece I learned how to write words from a one point perspective.  It was a fun project.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Action Figure

I thought this piece was fun do.  It was very enjoyable, but it was difficult as well.  I think I did pretty well on this piece overall.  Some spots were harder than others but I think that when it comes down to it this was a successful drawing.  The best parts I did on this piece was the clothing and the body, where as the worst parts were the face and I need to work on proportions more.  If I were to do this again I would make the "skirt" longer to cover his legs more and make his torso less wide above his belt.  The most difficult part of this piece was the face.  It was hard getting the angles of the nose and the eyes to be off center when hes at an angle.  In this piece I learned how to show folds in clothing as well as draw action figures.

Still Life

This piece was very hard and a lot harder than the pop can drawing.  I think I did okay on this piece, it certainly isn't my best work but I did put a lot of effort into it.  I like the most leftward bucket the best in this piece and the rest isn't as good.  The metal flower candle  holder was by-far the hardest and the worst part about this drawing.  I wish I would have had more time to work on it.  If I could do it over again I would have gone slower and made sure to erase my mistakes better.  As well as not be so sloppy in some areas. The most difficult part to draw was the metal candle holder because it was shiny as well as very spindly and it had many small markings all over it, which was hard to portray.  From this piece I learned about shading and how to show proportions.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pop Can Drawings

This project was very fun.  I had a good time working on this project and I would do it again if given the chance for a grade.  I would say that I did ok on this piece I could have done if there was more time given.  The work is a little shoddy in some places.  I think that I was able to get an alright representation of the pop cans on this project.  Although I did screw up, especially on the pull tabs and the outline of the un-crushed cans sides.  If I was to do this project over again I would go more carefully and make sure to draw more smooth.  The most difficult part was the lid and the pull tabs and also the dents on the crushed can.  It was hard because it was hard to represent 3-d crushes on 2-d paper.  I learned how difficult it is to draw crushed cans.  I also did learn at least a little bit of how to draw crushed cans