Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pop Can Drawings

This project was very fun.  I had a good time working on this project and I would do it again if given the chance for a grade.  I would say that I did ok on this piece I could have done if there was more time given.  The work is a little shoddy in some places.  I think that I was able to get an alright representation of the pop cans on this project.  Although I did screw up, especially on the pull tabs and the outline of the un-crushed cans sides.  If I was to do this project over again I would go more carefully and make sure to draw more smooth.  The most difficult part was the lid and the pull tabs and also the dents on the crushed can.  It was hard because it was hard to represent 3-d crushes on 2-d paper.  I learned how difficult it is to draw crushed cans.  I also did learn at least a little bit of how to draw crushed cans

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