Monday, May 13, 2013

Letter Overlap

I thought this project was kind of boring actually just because it was so time consuming and in the end it just looks like a jumble of letters. I think this piece was very successful, it certainly kept up with the criteria that was assigned for this piece. The overlapping was a little hard a times to make sure you were painting in the designated areas rather than the white spaces. If I were to do this project over again I might put as much time into the left one as I did in the right one. The most difficult part of this piece was keeping the black in the letters and the white in the empty space and also the painting was a little complicated, just because there was so much i had to paint in some spaces and so little in others. I think this project locked in place the ability to paint lines and not got them to sketchy or bumpy.  Also I learned how much paint I need to paint in a certain area so I actually gained a lot of knowledge while doing this project.

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