Monday, May 13, 2013

Letter Abstract

On this piece I like I did a relatively good job. I don't really like the "D" and the "O" is a little shaky but besides that I think I did this project well. I thought the lightning "L" was the coolest and I was quite proud of myself when I pulled it off.  I do think the "L" is kind of sloppy but overall its my favorite of the four letters.  If I were to do the project over again I would have taken more time and paid more attention to the little details. I wouldn't have rushed myself and let myself slow down a little. If I did it over I would have made the "D" better I might have even given it a different style.  The most difficult part of this project was the painting. I think this was the first project we did with paint (besides the color wheel) but I was still getting used to it and a lot of the lines are harsh due to that. From this piece I learned how to paint better and I learned how to make defined lines with paint.

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