Sunday, June 2, 2013

Magazine Flip

I thought this project was challenging yet fun.  I really like the challenge of drawing the faces upside down yet at the same time right side up but that was really just due to the magazine page I chose.  What I liked most about this project was the old man on the picture to the left and how I accidentally made him look like that one angry meme cat whose like "no". My least favorite part was the snickers it was really hard getting it exactly right.  If I were to do this project over again I would have taken more time on the snickers logo and snickers bar itself.

3 Frame Water Color

I did not like this project.  I thought the water colors were really hard to use and deal with.  Also I didn't like the concept I chose to much but I had already committed to it by the time I started painting.  What I liked about this project was my rocket.  I like the rocket.  What I didn't like about this project was everything else.  My favorite part of this project was when I was finished. If I was to do this project again, I wouldn't do it at all because I didn't like this project.

Made up Character

This was my favorite project of the entire year.  I had a really gun time on it and I loved being able to just create your own character and run wild with it.  What I liked about this piece was just the overall piece itself I thought was brilliant.  My favorite part was the character however.  I really liked getting him right.  What I didn't like about this project would probably the wall to floor transition looks a little wonky but besides that I love everything.  The hardest part of this piece was defiantly  mixing the colors to get the exact shade you wanted especially after painting one day then having to get the exact shade you had the day before.  If I were to do this project again the only thing I would change would be the wall to floor thing.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Skeleton Character

I enjoyed this piece, I liked the challenge of drawing a childhood character that I had grown up with.  Also it was interesting drawing from a new perspective like drawing the skeleton of that character.  On this project I think I did very well and I think I did things to the best of my ability which I cant say that often. I think the project went smoothly the only thing I have to complain about would be that I misjudged the length of the left arm compared to the right arm.  If i were to do the project again I would make some minor fixes here and there to get things in tip top shape.  The  most difficult part of this piece was making the skeleton line up and fit inside the original. From this piece I learned many things but the main thing I learned was how to draw mighty mouse.

Scavenger Hunt

I had a good time on this project. I thought it was cool how we were able to use objects from our own houses so that each of the things on the page were not just from some bin in the art room. I think that I did relatively well on this piece. I think that the lego alien and the ticket turned out well. On the other hand, I don't really like the playing card of the stamp.  If I were to do the project over again I would have spent more time on the pen and and used a thinner pencil on the stamp to get those finer details.  The most difficult part of this project, along with the regular drawing aspect, would probably be the shading.  From this piece I learned how to shade and as always it improved my overall drawing skills.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Letter Overlap

I thought this project was kind of boring actually just because it was so time consuming and in the end it just looks like a jumble of letters. I think this piece was very successful, it certainly kept up with the criteria that was assigned for this piece. The overlapping was a little hard a times to make sure you were painting in the designated areas rather than the white spaces. If I were to do this project over again I might put as much time into the left one as I did in the right one. The most difficult part of this piece was keeping the black in the letters and the white in the empty space and also the painting was a little complicated, just because there was so much i had to paint in some spaces and so little in others. I think this project locked in place the ability to paint lines and not got them to sketchy or bumpy.  Also I learned how much paint I need to paint in a certain area so I actually gained a lot of knowledge while doing this project.

Letter Abstract

On this piece I like I did a relatively good job. I don't really like the "D" and the "O" is a little shaky but besides that I think I did this project well. I thought the lightning "L" was the coolest and I was quite proud of myself when I pulled it off.  I do think the "L" is kind of sloppy but overall its my favorite of the four letters.  If I were to do the project over again I would have taken more time and paid more attention to the little details. I wouldn't have rushed myself and let myself slow down a little. If I did it over I would have made the "D" better I might have even given it a different style.  The most difficult part of this project was the painting. I think this was the first project we did with paint (besides the color wheel) but I was still getting used to it and a lot of the lines are harsh due to that. From this piece I learned how to paint better and I learned how to make defined lines with paint.