Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Color Wheel

This project was a color wheel project where the ultimate goal was to get every color in the visible color spectrum. I had a good time with this piece.  There were times when I thought it was a little more boring than some other pieces we've done but overall it was good.  I think this project was pretty successful, I got the general idea for what I had to do but at the same time I wish I had put a little more time into it to make it look better.  Some things that didn't work was that I kept accidentally painting places I didn't want to like in other colors or on the white surrounding it.  If I were to do this project over again I would have gone slower and took my time on it rather than just trying to get it done.  The most difficult part was painting in the line because if you got some paint in a section you didn't was you would have to wait until it dried to fix it.  From this project I learned how to get the right color by mixing paints I also learned how to properly maintain a paintbrush.

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